Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve Dinner

It was rather "last minute" where we decided to eat at home for Christmas eve. Not wanting to pay the outrages dinner & also avoid the squeeze as well. I remember last year we invited a few friends for Christmas dinner & we ordered Cold Storage ready dinner. They were actually quite good too.

This were what I manage to whip out after an afternoon shopping at NTUC Finest.

The entire meal that I started cooking since 3pm in the afternoon
The meal

This was the platter of food which include... drunken chicken wings, sausages, honey bake ham, my homemade mash potato & white button mushrooms simmer with chicken stocks.

This is the chinese style dumpling soup from the chicken stocks balance from the chicken which I cook in the afternoon.

Then the must have veggies. Salad

Trust me I was tired after all these cooking.

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